Thursday, September 2, 2010

Penulis Komen"TNB Saman WWF" ( TNB to sue WWF over earth hour) Dihadap ke Mahkamah

Pengarang Eksekutif bahagian Life Style & Entertainment, Irwan Abdul Rahman atau menggunakan nama  Hassan Skodeng dari akhbar Malay Mail dihadapkan ke Mahkamah Sesyen di sini, hari ini atas tuduhan membuat penghantaran atau penulisan komen palsu di bertajuk 'TNB to sue WWF over earth hour'.

Beliau dituduh menghantar komen palsu mengenai perkara itu menerusi laman blog dengan niat untuk menyakiti hati orang lain.

Lihat artikel TNB nak saman WWF kerana Earth Hour. pada 25hb Mac 2010 (petikan ni sudah dipadam oleh penulis dr Blognya)
Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB), Malaysia’s premier energy provider today announced that they were taking legal action against the World Wildlife Foundation (WWF) for organising the Earth Hour, a global movement that makes a stand against climate change by turning off all non-essential lights and electrical equipment for an hour every year.

In a Press conference, TNB president and CEO Dato’ Sri Che Khalib Mohd Noh said that the annual worldwide symbolic gesture,which this year would be observed this Saturday at 8.30pm, is nothing more than an ‘arrogant and thoughtless viral movement’aimed to hurt power companies such as TNB.

CHE KHALIB: These people are inconsiderate

“Obviously these green-minded fellows think they’re really cute, organising such an irresponsible campaign,” said Che Khalib angrily.
“They say ‘turn off your lights for an hour’ and people do. I bet that really makes them feel all powerful.

“What these western colonialists fail to grasp is how such drastic action affects the poor companies like us. One hour of unused electricity means an hour of wastage for TNB.
Did you know that last year’s Earth Hour costed us millions in unrealised revenue?” asked Che Khalib, seething.

“How do you think that affected our production? We couldn’t exactly turn off our power plants just because a large number of Malaysians turn off their lights at the same time. So imagine all that wasted energy.

“This year, we expect even more people to fall for this global con-job,” added Che Khalib.
“So there’ll be more lights turned off. KL alone would be engulfed in darkness. Yes, sure, it may seem fun to some, running around in complete darkness.
But that also means TNB would get less money. Tell me, what am I supposed to say to the kids of this electrical technician when we can’t give bonus this year?”
asked Che Khalib, as he pointed to a TNB staff manning the lights for the Press conference.

He added, “In light of such inconsiderate actions by these tree huggers, TNB has no choice but to take legal action against the Earth Hour organisers, WWF. We’ll wait for our accountants to come back with the loss figure after this year’s Earth Hour, and we plan to sue them for that same amount. We may even add a hundred million ringgit or so, to teach them a lesson.”

Che Khalib also reminded Malaysians to ignore the Earth Hour, calling it a ‘cultural invasion, a concerted assault by extreme liberal forces aimed to destabilise poorer nations’.

Hassan skodeng kata dia cuma bergurau aje:

A hastily-written note was left on the editor’s table saying, “I’m sorry, TNB. Will never make jokes about you or your CEO again. SORREEEEEEEEEE!! XOXO Hassan. PS: I heart you long time.”

The original ‘TNB to sue WWF over Earth Hour’ has been taken offline indefinitely, as the author feels the reaction to joke has gone out of control. Maybe he was mistaken in thinking that Malaysians can take his brand of humour. Perhaps he is a yellow-bellied baboon for crumbling to the pressure. Whatever it was, he’s got thousands of people mad for no good reason, and he’s a pretty peace-loving guy. So everyone, chill. It was a lesson for all of us. For the author, to be less liberal in writing. To the readers, to check your facts before believing anything.

Dengan gurauan Hassan Skodeng ni ramai jugak yang percaya dan menghentam TNB kerana tulisan palsu dia terhadap TNB.

Jika sabit kesalahan akan membawa hukuman penjara maksimum setahun atau denda RM50,000 atau kedua-duanya jika sabit kesalahan.

Beliau mengaku tidak bersalah dan minta dibicarakan.
Hakim kemudiannya membenarkan Irwan dibebaskan dengan ikat jamin RM4,000 dengan seorang penjamin.
Penasihat Kumpulan Red Berry Media, Datuk Ahiruddin Atan yang juga dikenali dengan nama Rocky bertindak sebagai penjaminnya.

Hakim menetapkan 24 November ini sebagai tarikh sebutan.


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