Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Aura Kasih Pernah Kutuk Malaysia

Artis yang sedang hangat digossipkan dengan Ariel Peterpan /Peterporn ni dulunya pernah mengutuk dan menyindir Malaysia kerana isu tarian dan kebudayaan di Bali iaitu tarian Pendet.

Kata -katanya yang pedas bak cili padi tu kalau dengar sakit hati gak kan..tapi lantak pi dia le, biar dia meroyan sorang sorang.

 Biodata Aura Kasih dan lagi gambar Aura Kasih

Ini antara petikan dan komen pedas Aura Kasih :

“Maybe Malaysia does not have something to be proud of so it has to claim other country’s works as its own,” she told on Sunday.

“I feel sorry for Malaysia for having to claim other country’s works [as theirs].”

In a way, Aura found that Malaysia’s move was evidence that Indonesia was a much better nation.

“This proves that our country is much better than theirs. This should also make the government and the people love our culture even more.”

“This proves that our country is much better than theirs. This should also make the government and the people love our culture even more.”

Petikan dari Jakarta Post:

Singer Aura Kasih said she could not help feeling sorry for Malaysia for claiming Indonesian culture as its own, as shown in its controversial tourism ad that features the popular Balinese welcoming dance, Pendet.

“Maybe Malaysia does not have something to be proud of so it has to claim other country’s works as its own,” she told on Sunday.

“I feel sorry for Malaysia for having to claim other country’s works [as theirs].”

In a way, Aura found that Malaysia’s move was evidence that Indonesia was a much better nation.

“This proves that our country is much better than theirs. This should also make the government and the people love our culture even more.”

The Indonesian government has pledged to verify if the use of the popular Balinese Pendet dance in the tourism ads was the latter’s attempt to claim it as their own.

Culture and Tourism Minister Jero Wacik said Malaysia’s tourism ads for “Visit Malaysia Year” with Pendet dance were aired on the Discovery Channel.

He said there were no reasons for Malaysia to exploit Pendet dance without permission from the Indonesian government, adding the entire world knows the dance belongs to Bali.

Malaysia has claimed cultural links to many Indonesian artistic legacies, from batik to reog ponorogo dance.

Malaysia  kurang bagus..sebab tu terpaksa import buruh, bibik  sebab Indonesia bagus tu bannyaakkk sangat orang mahir dan pandai buat kerja.

Sekarang kesian kat Aura Kasih yang heboh dengan Ariel Peterpan.


.::WaNiE::. said...

heh !

indonesia sangat maju sampai rakyat merempat negara org

zikrie said...

waaa.. kenyataan yg berani..
xpelah, nk wat mcm mn klu dia dh rase mcm tu.. klu dia ckp mcm tu pn, malaysia x rugi seposen pn..adeii

fasham said...

wah2x...mulut aura kasih ni mmg x boleh bla....dia tu bagus sgt ker ....??

Unknown said...

indon bengong..

nuriz said...

biar dia terjun dgn labu labunya heheh

nuriz said...

zikrie, betoi tu tak rugi seposen pong

Dzasc Skachers said...

cezz... memang siot minah tuh...huhu.. padahal bukan orang malaysia yang menari pon, bodo jer.. lain kali selidik dulu daa...

SheyPull said...

indonesi memntgkan kualiti

nuriz said...

wadud duk sana mesti tau kan hehe

Nina Nurziana said...

indon sgt tidak seda diri.. huhu

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